I'm a motherfucker.


Operating Engineer

Hard Knocks Univ.


Joined on 4/17/03

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You are an awesome person, and you smoke ciggarettes! Than again cigs make you look cool so it evens out...right? :S

Cigarettes don't make you look cool in my opinion. They make you stink and cough.
What could be cool about that.

But thanks for the compliment though.

I used to live in Miami.

What do you do for a living?

I'm a Tower Crane Operator. There's a cool shot from the top of my last cane up top.

That is an awesome shot.... but quite high up. :-)

I couldn't do it. haha

Actually at that time my crane was only 300 feet in the air. By the end of the job the crane was close to 700 feet up.

How do you know you couldn't do it unless you tried?

Quitting smoking is so hard to do! I used to smoke Marlboro Red 100s then cigs got to expensive for me. I couldn't justify paying that much money for something that would end up killing my slowly. So I stopped, but I was a horrble person the week I quit. Cranky and suffering from withdrawl. I am always tempted to pick it up again.

Marlboro reds.... The cowboy killers. Those are what I'm smoking right now. I can sympthize with the plight of your temptation. But let me tell you the first time I quit. I didn't smoke for a whole year. Didn't even want to. The lazer therapy is what did that for me. Then one day I said "fuckit" one wont hurt and before I knew it I was back to 1 1/2-2 packs a day. What an asshole I am. amiright?

Day-um! It makes Lithuania look like a 3rd world country just by looking at that picture!!

You mean Lithuania isn't a third world country?
I'm not being a dick, I really have no idea what Lithuania is all about, at all.

ah! my new year's resolution was to quit smoking, too. i didn't officially quit until the 6th, though. so it's been 5 days and i'm not craving them too badly, but the real test is this weekend when my friends come over and i've had a couple drinks.

on another note, i always wear my seatbelt and i call my mom everyday. : P

Quitting smoking is the mother of all bitches in my opinion. Stay srong and don't smoke with your friends. If you do succumb to temptation and find yourself hooked again. May I suggest lazer therapy? It worked for me and I'll be doing it again soon.

You are a very considerate daughter and a smart driver. I aspire for the same, well except for the daughter part.

i quit once before for almost a year. when i found out that i was pregnant and then for about 3 months afterwards. then i went to the bar one night and it all went downhill from there. what exactly is entailed in laser therapy? sounds like a good time.

i am a considerate daughter now that i've moved 800 miles away from my parents and i've come to realize i have no idea to run a household whatsoever. so when i said i call my mom everyday... i really meant i call her 15 times a day.

i have no excuse for wearing my seatbelt, though.

Laser Therapy is when they take a low intensity laser and apply it for 10-15 seconds at a time around several different places around your ears and nose.
Sounds like voodoo bullshit huh? Well the theory behing it is that it stimulates pressure points and floods your brain with endorphins. Wich is the same stuff that nicotine triggers, but not as intensly. With a cigarette, the effects wears of within an hour or so, therefore triggering your cravings for one.

The flood of endorphins from the treatment last about 3 months they say. I know that I didn't want a cigarette immediately after the treatment and I had been jonesing for one all day because I hadn't smoked at all. The desire for one evaporated instantly. I remember while sitting in the waiting room all I could think about was smoking a cigarette. I was even contemplating going outside and looking for any half smoked ones on the ground I was so desperate.

And now here's the bonus. For like three days, I was on cloud nine and there wasn't a thing anybody could do to piss me off. Endorphins=GOOD

You must miss your mom. I know I miss mine. I moved away from Brooklyn about 10 years ago. I try to visit at least once a year. I'm also attempting to convince them to move down to Miami with me.

You seatbelt wearing model citizen you. :P

You could have a hobby like models or hookers I know a great place in Cleveland lol. But yeah I heard it's tough, but get back up on the horse you would save 10 years on your life but those are the crappy years anyway. CLEVELAND ROCKS!!!!!!

Cleveland DOES NOT ROCK nearly as hard as Miami!

Also I hear that having hookers as your hobby usually leads to getting hit by the AIDS truck. So pass on that one.


Thanx for the advice.

wow, i definitely have to check out that laser therapy regardless or not if i quit smoking. i was right... it does sound like a good time!

moved to miami from brooklyn? i just moved to atlanta from philadelphia a little over 2 years ago, and i still insist on visiting home every 2 months. i am so bad. i try to talk my family into moving down here, but lately i find myself looking at buying houses up there. what a dilemma!

If I could I'd move back to Brooklyn. I think it really sucks that my little guy doesn't know my mom and dad.

Also I forgot to mention that during the laser therapy. They've got almost hypnotic music playing lightly in the background and aroma therapy going too.

man i envy you, i wanted to get into construction but i cant because i took stupid collage grade 12 math and i only found out after i applyed to oyap that i needed to be in u math, FUCK my guidence councler fucked up my whole life :P

Dude...It's almost impossible to fuck up your life to the point were you can't work in construction. The construction industry is filled with ex-cons, dead beat dads, DUI guys, drug addicts, high school drop outs and illegal aliens. If you really wanted to get into it, you could. All you need is the proper motivation and genuine desire. That stands true for anything you want in this life that's worth having man.

Why do you keep being mean to to me on my page?I didn't do anything to you!!!!!!!!!

Since when is giving good advice wrapped in insults and accusations being mean?

Well don't wrap it in insults, you're 30 and I'm only 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When wrapped in insults, good advice tends to smart a little therefore ingraining it into your mind.

Also, do you suck cocks and are you a chav? If the answer to both is no then neither should have bothered you.

As far as my accusation of your oxygen thievery, I have yet to see proof of the opposite being true.

Oh, ok then :)

If it's ok. Then why did you ban me from commenting on your userpage?

I unbanneded you YAY!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now I can go give you some more abuse.

LOL ok!!!!!!!


Everyone is calling me a chav now coz of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <a href="http://pilp.newgrounds.com/news/post/69274">http://pilp.newgrounds.com/news/post/

Well if the shoe fits wear it, you chav. What do you expect? If you're going to act like a chav, you're going to be called a chav. You chav.

quit smoking cigarettes.

OK, I will.

As long as you do more stuff like "about us" and "too many lines" and less of you know what with you know who.

Hahahaha do you really fuckin say "show your tits!" ?


ballsy fucker.

At the top of my lungs my friend, through a 500 watt police issue loud speaker that people can hear clearly 5-6 blocks away.

how is that cake coming along?

I just put it into the oven. I gotta head out to the store to get the frosting and some milk to wash down all the chocolatey goodness. Whole milk ok?

no! i am a woman indulging in something that i'm going to convince myself will make me gain 10 pounds... atleast get 2%!


2 percent is so watery.... But that's what I'll get if it makes ya happy.

What movie are you bringing?

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