I'm a motherfucker.


Operating Engineer

Hard Knocks Univ.


Joined on 4/17/03

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6.80 votes
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1y 1m


Ditto, I'm very happy today.

Yeah man. So is most of the world man.

I cant wait for Obama to go the way JFK did.

Don't hold your breath man.

Next person to threaten Obama's life gets a visit from me and poozy, and our sawed off shot guns.


Can we wear awesome trench coats covering our uber weapons like in the Matrix?

WOO! I WON! BLACK IS BACK! Next we'll have a mexican prez.

Luis for president.

Fuck you you suck major ass you fucking suck bitch your a little shit with no life that is a bigger vulture/troller on the bbs than anyone else so you can go get your ass fucked by your mom and her 39 inch dick

*doubles your ban*

Awesome vid Poozy.First time I could vote man and I waited about an hour to vote but I finally voted I felt kinda important after that.

It's a good feeling, I know. Especially since the Republicans and major corporations didn't have the balls to steal this election.

hey poozy
please double or triple my ban cause you are a faggot
i really dont give a shit
ive banned for almost 2 months in a row once my friend
see if i give a shit

Stop lying. The most you've ever been banned has been one month by Sanjay and since you don't care I'll just perma ban you.

Happy now sweetheart?

It's going to be an interesting couple of years.

Wouldn't it be great if nobody caps him AND he manages to do a few of the things he's promised?

If he gets dead, then he would be dead.


And then if Biden gets dead then we'll have that wack job Pelosi as president...

I'm happy for him. I always thought he had really good energy.
And the fact that McCain looked like a turtle.


Inauguration Day: Obama shows up dressed as Huggy Bear, just to fuck with the minds of white America.
He then addresses the nation and announces that he will not be referred to as "Mr. President," rather "A-#1 Duke of New York Ultra Pimp Mac Daddy Supreme." He then bitch slaps Jesse Jackson.

January 09 - Obama announces that the holiday shall now be known as Martin Luther King WEEK, and that all black citizens have it off, paid, while their white counterparts are forced to pick up the slack. The Hispanic community also takes the week off. Gardens and lawns everywhere begin to look like crap, hotels across the nation go without maid service.

February 09 - Obama signs a bill doing away with Presidents Day and Columbus Day, replacing them with Washington's Day, in celebration of Freddy "Boom-Boom" Washington the Sweat Hog, and Carrie Fisher Day, noting "that white bitch looked fine in that slave costume in Empire, amiright?"

March 09 - 100,000 troops are called back from the Middle East and reunited with their families and wives/husbands. The rate of fucking per American household skyrockets 900%.

Things are shaping up good. I'm fukken stoked.


"Freddy Boom-Boom Washington..." xD

im not lying
i was banned for 30 days, i had like a week left and had my ban extended again
p.s. i seriously dont give a shit

That's nice.

oh, and also i think nader shouldve won


Obama is gonna be the greatest president ever! He's the American Dream incarnate!

Only time will tell. He does have a ton of potential...

Thanks poozy, you ole n****r :3

Hmmm I should probably double your ban. What do you think?

well, i mean, who wouldnt want ralph nader for pres?
so what if he wants illegalize cars and he is a hippie freak, he wanted to legalize COCAINE!!!!


That's all we need man. Hopped up tree hugging pedestrians...

Obama is in the Bahamas with your momma chillin' next to the funky llamas

I heard he collaborates with llamas.

Obama? Obama!?
isn't that the guy we been looking for?

Yeah. We found him and elected him as president so we can keep a close eye on his terrorist ass.

screw the vid no mater how patriotic it is your still a coxhole for blaming the school pet peeves vid.

BTW if you ban me i will just come back as Rota65, then 66,67, 68, 69, 70, ect.

Suck my dick.

if a man jacks off in the forest ,and there is no one there, is there any cum?

No just a small puddle of salty yogurt.

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