<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/185863">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/185863</a>
Poozy '76
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/185863">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/185863</a>
Poozy '76
fukken lawl!!
I'm 100% sure that he's going to get assasinated soon.
That's the popular opinion. But several have tried that were publicized and I'm sure other attempts have been thwarted that weren't.
He's the most protected individual on the face of the planet by the most highly trained people on the planet using the best technology government money can buy.
It may happen but it's highly unlikely...
For everyone who thought Mccain actually had a chance lol. I actually gave him MORE credit that he was going to get more electoral votes, but I was sadily mistaken. Seems americans just had enough of republicans for the time being and figure at least give the dems a crack at it.
But seriuosly, he'll probably be AT LEAST the second greatest president in my life time. I don't see him doing better the Bill Clinton, but he'll definetly be abou umm, 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 000 better than bush on his worse day.
Just now, Americans can never say that his or her vote doesn't count. They can never go back to that saying. So, next time anyone says "Why should I vote, it's not gonna matter" Kindly push them off a building while they are burning in a fire of aids and black plague.
And, anyone supporting mccain again "lol"
As for the video, pretty awesome.
I laughed so hard when McCain officially lost. But then I felt better about the man after watching his concession speech. Classy move, especially when he shushed the crowd when they were booing Obama.
We've done our part well.
Yes we did. Or at least I did. I stole and defaced tons of McCain signs...
What did you do besides nothing?
Can I shit on your chest?
No I don't think you can. I'm positive in fact that you lack the testicular fortitude and more importantly the physical strength to pull off such a feat.
But I CAN fuck you mother...
What's her cell phone number and what time does your father leave for work?
Actually, after listening to his final speech, I was like, "I like you now." Due to that, and he is no longer a threat.
I felt the same damn way. His graciousness plus the fact that he made a point to say "Barrack Obama is my President.". Went a long way with a lot of people man.
Did you see the South Park episode they gave the day after?
your avatar is not rated PG...
cool.... also... can you do me a favor? is yes pm me...
What the fuck do you want?
I did what I do best. I harassed and put down people who didn't have the same views as me.
Oh good. Then good job sister.
Did you also berate and belittle? I found that effective as well.
says the guy with a dude with a giant, waving dick as a profile pic.
Your jealousy amuses me...
Of course. I love to berate and belittle. That makes me patriotic, right?
Hell yeah and fuckin' A!
I pantsed an elderly gentleman that was standing in front of me on the line at the poling site. He was wearing a McCailin button... It had to be done I'm afraid.
If he dies, I'm going to cry myself to sleep every night until the end of Joe Biden's presidency.
He'll instantly be Martyred.
Wait...when the FUCK were you modded?! D:
wuts a mod?
thats the best profile picture ive ever seen. you, my good sir, are a genius.
Thanks man but I didn't draw it. Tom drew it for me the other day.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eew5OS83D-I">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eew5OS 83D-I</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEsEI-TPJxg">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEsEI-
I actually had a little tear when I watched his speech. I'm not even American and don't care too much about politics, so that's how good it was. Or I'm just over-sensitive.
No it was really good. He's a very talented speaker and had a very solid speech ready. The combination of the two made for a incredibly powerful speech. I actually said with him a couple of times "Yes we can", haha.
He's poised to be the most popular president in American history.
Here's to hoping he lives up to at least a third of the hype. *crosses fingers*
Actually, just saw it last night. Well, the last twenty minutes anyway. Wasn't a home run they usually pull out, but still the usual moral story behind it. Just felt like they made two episodes for that day,a nd whoever one, that ist he one that got aired. Kind hard to tell if they are pro obama or mccain.
They definitely had to have to episodes ready. I'm sure they'll use the McCain one in the future as a "NEVER BEFORE SEEN" kind of thing
I'm excited. I just KNOW Obama's going to do all in his power to change the way things are going for the better. Honestly, I truly hope that when he says "America needs to work together" he's really just speaking code for "the Republican minority in Congress should stay our of our way when we make policy."
I'm excited too man. I don't think I ever was this excited about politics tbh.
Although I am a left leaning independent and feel bi-partisanship is a good thing.
I don't think we're going to need it. Did we get the filibuster proof majority in senate?
We didn't get the filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, but there's 56 democratic seats and 2 independant seats to the Republican 42 seats. So, provided two Republicans aren't willing to filibuster EVERYTHING, law's pretty much green-lit.
And yea... I'm not registered with any party and never will. I'm not for Obama because he's a Democrat (nor am I for any democrat for that reason... it's just that when the choice is Republican vs. Democrat, the Democratic platform is simply more appealing to my reason every time), but because I think he's a great choice for president. I think he'll improve things.
Hopefully if he doesn't live up to his hyperbole he at least wont fuck things up more than they are.
People in Obama,Japan were rooting for him. True place.
Really? HAHA that's pretty sweet.
Does the word Obama mean anything in Japanese?