I'm a motherfucker.


Operating Engineer

Hard Knocks Univ.


Joined on 4/17/03

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The view must be amazing at that height. I bet you like to pretend you're god and you just watch as your creations walk and talk... and every once in a while you'll take away someone's pool ladder while they're in there and see how long it takes for them to drown...

It gets boring pretty quick man. But when I let people climb up for the day they are pretty awestruck at the view.

Me, I'm jaded....

getting burned with cigarettes is an act that should only be reserved for when prostitutes do a bad job sucking your dick. Everyone knows that.

Of course, that is common knowledge...

Wait..... I see what you're implying and I'm gonna getcha for it.

I know you hate me and all but I have a question,

Do you still climb up when it's raining?

Have you ever slipped while climbing up regardless of rain or shine, any close calls?

I ask because that's the only thing that would freak me the fuck out about climbing up there.. The possibility of slipping and falling to my death.

2020 nano machines wouldn't even save your ass in that situation.

I have no idea where you got the idea that I hated you. I consider you a friend.

I don't climb my crane in the morning while it is raining. I wait for it to cease before I climb. Not because I think I would slip and fall but because I just don't feel like it.
I know other operators that climb in the rain.

Yeah I've had a few close calls before, lol.

Your banner is sig worthy, can I use it as my sig?

My USERPAGE BANNER is banworthy as a sig used on the BBS.

So last night I was making some ramen, I got it into the bowl and I noticed there was a bit too much water in it for carrying and I knew it could possibly spill out and scold me. Well, I went to pour out some of the chili seasoned water WITH A CIGARETTE IN MY LEFT HAND and I must have fucked up at some point and I poured near boiling hot water all over my left hand..

Burns suck.

Sometimes it comes back to life and feels like its getting bruned all over again. :(

It's mostly my left ring finger, hows your burn doing pooz?

Sounds like it that hurt. My burn is fine man.

All healed up, left a nice scar to add to the collection.

why the fuck did you destroy ban my thread? it was legit and you didn't have to be a bitch and not admit to it when you're obviously the only mod in General.

It was copy pasta...... And destroy bans are automatically unsigned.

I just didn't feel like making the extra effort to go back and sign it.

I didn't feel like you were worth it, enjoy your ban.

Seriously, I even think you're going to be the next BBR. Well except the whole leaving part. >_>

BBR was a reactionist pussy with no shift keys.

hi thar wats up that looks like owie
don ban me plez :'((((((( also how u do grey typing i tride and cant find owt......

Rig is an awesome mother fucker.

I don't care what anybody else has to say about him. I don't even laugh when women make fun of him behind his back while in my presence.

Aw, you banned me. :)

What did you expect, a gift card to the "Fuck Me Sideways Boutique" in the Red Light district?

"Har har, look at me mah name is poozy, I'm 30 years fucking old and all I do is talk to 15 year olds all day.

That's me! The moronic, idiotic, son of a bitch, pedophile!"

Hate me moar, faggot.

It takes one to know one, LOLOLOLOLOL.


that looks like an aids sore... although its not...
you should smack him


No big deal man, it was an accident.

So.............your a guy?

What's it to ya?

Do you REALLY love poozy, because I thought you were cooler than that

So cool as to not love pussy?!? I love the stuff, can't get enough of it.

You should try a piece some time....

Can I have some of yours?


Bend over, grab your ankles and open wide for chunky.

I don't want your giant dick (well not now anyway), I wanted some of the poozy you're banging right now. Is is friendly? Will it eat my cock? D:

The poozies I'm hitting at the moment would destroy you.

You need to learn to crawl before you can run.

k so what do you suggest I bang then

I suggest you start by taking a jar a mayonnaise. Warm it up in the microwave and then put a unrolled condom over the top and push the rest of it down into the jar.

Then you fuck that for a while.

Lol, fag.

lol, your faggot father's faggoty, faggot face. FAGGOT


I don't see why you're a mod, you seem pretty fucking stupid.

Unless that's a requirement...?

I don't see why your acct hasn't been deleted yet. Let me look into that for you.

but I want some actual pussy not some jar of saturated fat. If I bang a fattie it's almost the same thing BUT that's beside the point

I don't think you are ready for the pussy yet son.

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