I have been toying with the idea of allowing you shitheads to decide the fate of innocent creatures that find themselves in my path.
I used to do this occasionally on paltalk.
The most vocal and insistent participant was always Gagsy.
Poor lil Brit loves all of God's creatures apparently...
Basically in a nut shell what happens is:
1. Some fucking thing with a pulse looks at me sideways.
2. I trap said thing.
3. I let you guys vote on its destiny.
The atrocities I usually plan for them are horrific.
They tend to be things such as:
1. Can snakes scream?
2. Can Bees cry?
3. Can stray kittens wish they were never born?
etc etc
You catch my drift, I imagine.
Basically what I'm asking is if I should do this on a regular basis here on my userpage.
I understand that you have an addiction to vodka.
Pass the russian beverage?
Weren't you about to kill yourself the other day, then deleted your shitty newspost?
Also, I don't appreciate Vodka for the most part but when I do indulge I choose Ketel One.