I'm a motherfucker.


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Short violently hilarious stories

Posted by EyeLovePoozy - May 4th, 2008

In this blog and perhaps the next I'm going to post some short journal entries that an English professor made me keep during my first year of college. After a couple of weeks of making the journal entires I grew bored of it and asked the professor is I could enter "imaginary" scenarios as my entries. She agreed and the following are some of the most popular ones. You'll notice that on some entries their is a quote after my signature. That is the professors comment of the entry. Usually written in red ink. I should point out that this professor was a old woman that looked alarmingly like Mrs. Doubtfire

You know what? Today I grew sick and tired of those god damn airplanes that fly so low over my house. They zoom over every ten minutes and they're so low I can see the pilot laughing at me and flipping me the bird. It's terrible. They're so loud you can't even hold a conversation outside. Anyways, today I shot two of them out of the sky with my rocket launcher. Low and behold....
No more planes have flown over.

Who's laughing now Mr. Pilot?

"Oh dear god! Those poor people"


Today my neighbors threw me a ticker tape parade. They were celebrating the end of their torment caused by those infernal planes flying over their head. It was really cool, I felt like a hero.

"I would have called the police!"


While driving around today. Just for shits and giggles I decided to jump the curb and mow down unassuming, presumably innocent pedestrians. I decimated every single one I could reach with my front bumper while plowing through the crowds and displays. It was really fun. The only part that sucked was getting all the blood and gristle off my car. :(

"Only a maniac would do such a thing!"


Earlier this evening on the way to school, an officer stopped me. I though that this wold be a perfect opportunity to vent some pent up rage. So as the officer approached my window I waited and as he leaned over to speak to me. I smashed him in the fucking balls and snatched his gun. As one of Miami's finest crashed to his knees in his pinnacle experience of man pain, I threw my door open. Cracking his skull beautifully. Now the officer lays weeping on the unforgiving damp concrete, pleading for his life and quivering in my shadow. I then snatched him up by his throat and torre him to his feet. Then I located his trachea and clutched it in a kung-fu grip and kicked him right across his tits. Ripping out a large section of his windpipe along with his adams apple. I then got into my car. Wiped my bloody hands and put his torn parts into the cooler next to me on the passenger seat. Then took the vehicle out of park and ran over his still twitching body and continued n my way to school.


"You should take up football. Such hostile thoughts!"


That's all for now. I'll post several more on the next blog. But for those of you blissfully unaware of this mind blowing insanity. Pop that cherry and watch Ronald get his crack on in this vid.

/* */
1925 dep.fbi


stfu with your emo shit, faggot.

fuck off newgrounds and stop posting emo shit. nobody likes you emo faggot. :)

cry1, cry2, emocut, EMOCUT!

Interesting diary, especially the rocket launcher. I thought diaries were meant to be truthfull... how'd it go?

You don't read through much do you? I said I asked her if I could enter imaginary situations and she agreed....

-5 internets

"stfufbi"? :(

Also, lolvideo.

Yeah I knew you'd having something negative to say about the video like zzz, -.- or old video is old. haha

I'm sure that police officer just wanted to know where the closest Donut store was.

I'm not sure where he was going but I know where he ended up. XD

Bonjour monsieur lover face.

Fuck's up man?

I'm up. About 300 feet up atm. Fuck's up with you man?

Nice journal entries ya got there and the teacher's reaction is fucking priceless! Lol at Ronald Mc Donald.

Yeah, there's more. Probably worse. The teacher actually asked if she could copy them and share them with her colleagues.

I've seen that video several times and each time I start watching it even if it's by accident I have to watch all the way through. It's hypnotic like that. I also made the mistake of allowing my 2 year old to watch it. Now he asks for it...... dammit. =)

Fucking amazing stuff.

I laughed, I cried, I made it rain blood.

But overall this was some good work you did. Hopefully that brain hasn't gone dead.


There's some more coming in about a week or so. I seem to have misplaced the original journal. 0_0

Ha ha. I'm sure she'd have been much more scandalized if your entries had been written one full year later.

I read a newspaper article about some old guy who did exactly what you say you did with the car. He drove straight through a market, killing almost a dozen others. The man was not charged because he was so old he had apparently mistaken the gas for the brake and was frantically pressing it to get the car to stop.

Oh man. That so terrible that it's funny.

It also reminds me of my dad who is getting older and can't see as well as he used to but refuses to relinquish his license. I'm going to have to force him to stop driving one day and I am dreading that moment....


Yeah, that pig had it coming.....


Boo hoo, :'(

Working fine for me.


Trippy shit huh?

Hmm, that video, i know the original song, IM on failtalk if you want it!

The original song you say 'ey? Give it to me tomorrow why dontcha?

Shooting a plane with a rocket launcher seems horrible illogical, yet funny nonetheless, Why not use regular rifles? Plane too far?

Well a rifle wouldn't be very effective on a plane now would it?

A rocket launcher is much more efficient and gives incredible and immediate results.

I don't get how it is violently hilarious. I just know that Moses is gonna do something bout it.

Moses is my name and I guess to regard this type of stuff as funny you'd have to have a certain type of humor.

Oh well, move along then son. Nothing here for you to see.


Yes, quite silly. XD

I could link you too it but that wouldn't be worth the suspense so you have to wait till i get back home which is tomorrow or Monday, make sure to bounce people extra for for me while im not there!

Done and done.

The following express incredible LOL moments for me:

this professor was a old woman that looked alarmingly like Mrs. Doubtfire

to jump the curb and mow down unassuming, presumably innocent pedestrians

As one of Miami's finest crashed to his knees in his pinnacle experience of man pain

What a great read, thanks for that.

Glad you enjoyed it man.

I will be posting the second installment from that journal very shortly...


I loved

"Today my neighbors threw me a ticker tape parade. They were celebrating the end of their torment caused by those infernal planes flying over their head. It was really cool, I felt like a hero."

Stay tuned for the next installment. It gets worse... haha

Woo ... hoo :D

=D Hey now.....

hahaha! i have a problem with planes too! I live near an airport so i can hear them all friggin day. And when i sleep, instead of counting sheep, i count how many airplanes fly over my house.

I'm telling you man, it was terrible. You couldn't even hold a conversation outdoors during peak hours it was just plane after plane after plane. Forget about watching TV with the window open. Imfuckingpossible man.

Thank god I bought a house and moved the fuck out of there.

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