Requesting perma ban from forums.
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
Requesting perma ban from forums.
would you like a slice of delicious cake?
How did you come up whit the awesome username? :D
Randomly and at one in the morning.
How the fuck did you become a mod!?
I fucked Tom's mother.
sup brah?
TeHDe ShiTe SoRrY FoR FiLLiNG YoUR maLe Box wIth TehDe MASTer ShITE MeSsAgersS. TehDe MAsTer JuST Can"t ReSiSt GeTiN inTo yOur mOnEY maKeR PanT PEnIS ShiT HoLE SO TehDe COuLD licck The pOoPy HaiL hOwES oH I LoVe ShiTezy.
Apparently, I was banned for 14 days, and I finally found your account. Why the hell did you ban me? I did nothing against the Terms of Use. All I did was make a joke. I would like to be allowed post again. I won't do any more tricks.
I don't know how you can stand that shit, it's unbelievable, really. Hundreds, fuck that noise.
As far as a User Page mod goes it'd be simpler to just give an already existing mod those privileges, the only reason I could see for adding someone new is that it'd be something to talk about for a bit.
We'll see.
In 3 hours, taking a break from animating, I made this.
I figured you'd get a kick out of it. :D
<a href=""> n/243520</a>
Ha, good one.
User Page mod, so you're going go around banning people for what they put on their UP? Isn't that an infringement of peoples rights?I mean it's their profile, they should post whatever they want.Besides how will i fap to all the furry pics if they all get deleted?
How is this possible? ===========> <a href=""> 067014</a>
'Leave your thoughts about: FUCK YOU!'
User Page Mod, eh? Sounds kinda neato.
you know whats so funny about this is you banned me for 7 days and i was gonna send u a pm explaining that i was sorry and i made a news post that is linked on my sig about the "inbox full" error i got when trying to send u a pm.
i think you're one of the best mods on newgrounds, a little bit immature and very harsh at times but u get the job done very well.
i used to not like you at all like the other retards until i read an interview on you then i thought "well he's not really that bad of a guy"
i only hope that one day every stupid butthurt noob will understand and people will back off of you.
i also hope that if i ever become a mod on any site that i could be compared to you.....
now before you go saying "get your lips off my ass" know this, i still think ur an asshole..... but in a good way
Good man.
I think I would be a VERY good user page mod. Trust me, I know tons of people with porn on their blog. TONS!
Duly noted.
I think I would be a VERY good user page mod. Trust me, I know tons of people with porn on their blog. TONS!
Duly noted.
I may be wrong, but doesn't every kind of mod have a golden aura?
Sorry for posting that comment twice.. FireFox hasn't been working very well...
User page mod sounds like a good idea, count me in
*counts you in*