why did you ban me for 30 days?
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
why did you ban me for 30 days?
For being a blaggot.
can i be a user page mod
okay now marry me ***
I'd have to see how well how suck daddy's dick first.
is it true that you wield the banhammer?
Just a rumor.
Hey Poozy, sucks about all the butthurt bannedfags. Also sorry to hear about your Inbox being full. That's gotta be a bitch to go through. Its also clear you're looking for a User Page Mod (maybe kind of testing the water?) I'd love to be the lab rat. I've been looking for a way to kind of give back to NG or help it and cleaning out stuff like that seems like a good option for me, so I figured I'd make a formal request. Thanks for reading.
Duly noted.
ur b&
Lol, you said you were going to ban me from the BBS again. You're so full of shit.
Wish granted assburger.
Poozy my good man, it's obvious you're not the nicest person in the world. In fact you're kind of a douche. If we met in person, I might be tempted to kick you right in the dick.
But boy, without you NG would most certainly be a desolate, boring, wasteland of unblammed shit with no one for the more whiny, prepubescent NGers to complain about. You're vital to the virtual ecosystem of this place, there is no denying it.
Plus, I think you're kind of cute, so whatever.
Good luck to you, sir. Keep up the good work, I suppose.
okay.now marrt me?:)
I love how your email is "rip TOTO"
What gave you the notion?
rompe toto = pussy breaker
LOL, you can't misuse your powers to solve an argument.
What argument?
If you really have been deleting a lot of (PM)s, then why is your inbox still full? HMMM?
I love you too
Eh, what about someone who doesn't give a shit if he's insulted? I'd probably kick some major ass if I became a user page mod... Oh yeah, I'll have tons of free time. Just consider it.
God you attention whore almost 300 comments.
When are you gunna choose a user page mod?
And I dare you to reply to me without using profane language.
Several have been chosen already and are beta testing the tools.
Poozy's inbox is full... I don't care if other people read this or not.
Hi Poozy, 2 days ago, you banned me for posting on the BBS for 5 days because I said 'I bet this thread will be locked'. The thread was about some guy who got pranked by the mouse over angry face thing. The only reason I said that was because I posted a thread like that a long time ago, because it scared the crap out of me, and my thread was locked.
I'm not trying to say that I shouldn't have been banned, I would just like to know what rule I broke. I read the rules, and I couldn't find anything.
I'm 13 years old, and I'm just kind of mad because my first game came out, and on the first day it got a reward, and a bunch of people in the forums on newgrounds said I would never get any rewards on my game and that it would suck. And now I can't rub it in that I was right. All for the better I guess.
Could you just please tell me what rule(s) I broke to get banned?
Thanks, Animator1mike.
Posting in that fashion can derail a thread and is considered back seat moddy. If you think a thread is going to be locked then just refrain from posting in it.
then come lemme show youu >.>
youre just 2 hours away :D
Goddamn, how did you fill your whole inbox? How many messages are there total?
There's almost 6,000 in there atm. Not counting the unguessable amount I've deleted.
Did you really ban MissingNYC?