Can I have it, Please?!
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
Can I have it, Please?!
Wait. What? Does it eat people?
Please explain to us how to fold paper like a man, then. If the guru of hate folds paper like a girl, then surely he will doom us all by animating his origami pets, and making an army of paper-winged animals to wreak havoc upon the world. If doing this is girly, then I know not of any manly thing left in the world.
Funk is the man. He folds paper like a girl yet does so in a manly fashion.
Hmm, he never seemed the origami type to me. Shows how even the most hateful, heartless, thinks-he's-the-inspiration-for-all-o f-4/7/711chan's-raid-and-hate, sociopathic motherfucker can have an artistic and peaceful pastime.
that is pretty cool...
Eh, I still think the T-Rex with Bob's hat is better.
That fucker is the the man.
Things pretty awesome man.
Yeah, FUNK's the man.
That is AWESOME! tell me how to do it?!?!
Ask FUNKbrs.
wait...YOU are a MOD!!! i could have confused you for an adult video poster. change your image. you're a mod, not a spammer.
Hey Ira L. Poozenstein, I want a rubber band ball like the one in the picture, that looks like it is about to topple over the hawk. Also, yes, that T-Rex is the man.
I stole that rubber band ball fair and square and wont give it away for free.
Wow, if you didn't say it was a hawk beforehand, I would've never guessed that's what it is. I'm not hatin, though, I can't do anything that creative.
Also, why does everyone hate you? It makes me ='(
I kinda thin it looks like a dragon to be honest man.
I'll mail you can of moderately warm 7Up for the rubber band ball.
The rubber band ball is not available for sale or trade. :p
Fine. :( I'll just go rubberband ball - less. Or I'll make one for myself! and fail miserably.
Origami cawk for that origami hawk.
Stop being gay.
Assuming it was you that deleted that complete failure of a thread I made, thanks.
Have my children.
Your poor father....
Damn, how long did it take to make?
You know?
This thread sure is generating a lot of questions towards FUNKbrs.
Anybody that has any "questions" should not ask them via the internet but rather to his face.
Oh look, I said thread instead of news posts. My mind is fried.
Looks good.