I will clean up the noob infested videogame forums. You will come back and guarenteed to see no "LOL ROCK BAND VS. GUITAR HERO!" threads. Ever.
I also have no life whatsoever. That way I can mod more.
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
I will clean up the noob infested videogame forums. You will come back and guarenteed to see no "LOL ROCK BAND VS. GUITAR HERO!" threads. Ever.
I also have no life whatsoever. That way I can mod more.
I think I would be up to the job because I am a trustworthy and responsible newgrounds user that won't hesitate to give everyone what they need, good or bad. I think I could be a could be a mod for you because I think things over before I speak them, and I use spell check. I think I'd be a good mod because I always accept it when I'm wrong and follow orders to the check. if I am am accepted to be your replacement I will act as mods always do act, responsible, and I'll always have a good come-back to the noobish users that try to be clever and mean to me.
I hope this application fills your request, if it does, I will be very happy to fill you in, if not, I will kick and scream like a little girl, no Jk Jk, I will be very happy for the user you pick over me, btw, enjoy London!
Yeah, right.
Cause I think this is just a joke. Prove me wrong. :P
Btw. Have a splendid trip. :D
It's the blog that just keeps giving and giving ;')
I wonder who the best cunt will be...
I offically lost all of my trust in Poozy. I for one enjoyed each week or 2 getting laughs out of the 'school pet peeves' topic, but sense poozy has ONCE AGAIN locked a topic that did not deserve it, he is offically on my shit list. I know he doesnt give a shit, but if I ever had the chance to have an even slight chance of taking him down, I would. I actually used to feel that poozy was getting bad shit he didnt deserve from newground users, but now I belive he deserves it AND MORE! Fuck it, im joining the dark side.
because you just love me to pieces!
Fuck all of them I have the biggest cock, no i'm not going to suck up and say you have a bigger one. It's been my dream to do it, And I practice on either ones that will soon be locked, or have already been locked.
Once again i'm not a faggot pushover suck-up.
I doubt you will do it anyway. First off, someone could change the email, then change the password, unless mods have it differently, or if you contact an admin or something. Otherwise! You're risking a shitload, mod madness, someone would go fucking banning their enemies. Although I don't have enemies. And I do my best with grammar and spelling. :)
: BTW I live in jacksonville Florida, same state baby. FLA BITCHASS
im in florida too...O_O orlando...
Because I brought this petition to de-mod you to your attention
<a href="http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/DeModEyeLovePoozy">http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions /DeModEyeLovePoozy</a>
Naw, just pick Elios.
I am applying.
Most likely won't even realise this comment is here, but here I am.
I don't think I'll feel too comfortable being inside your account, feels like an invasion of privacy, but oh well.
Yeah, well, I've PM'd you in the past saying this noobs and doing shit and shit you should pwn them etc.
Seeming I'm australian, that is around about when all the spammers and shit come out, so I could pwn their asses right then and there, other than if you don't I'd have to sit here waiting for you mods to awake and pwn them yourselves.
And to my conclusion.
Here's to another 200 applications. Keep 'em coming guys, some of you have a really good shot at winning this.
I'm ruthless towards obvious noobs, i'd be a good choice because i will certainly be able to keep up with your ban quota.
Here is why I would be a perfect temporary mod:
- I am a very reasonable person and my friends turn to me for advice because they think of me as wise.
- I can perfectly emulate your modding skills.
- I know how to keep my cool even when I'm mad.
- And many more!
For more details, please PM me!
Because I probably don't take anything seriously at all. In fact I don't take this seriously. To hell with it, I need to mod something before I asplode.
Reading some of the comments makes me laugh.
No, i love poozy! Cmon