I think I should fill up for you.
Why? Well, I'm in a unusual time zone, and whenever I'm on there's usually chaos in the forums due to the lack of mods being in the same time zone as me. And i'm not power-hungry, so there a small to no chance that I'd give out unreasonably long bans, lock threads which aren't filled with shit or ban people I don't like. I'll also keep everything that happens in the mod forums private and such, and I have a good sense of judgement. If you've banned me in the past it's only because I was trying to get banned, not ignorance of the rules and such.
Also, I'm not the type of person to just up and leave home, therefore making me available from around 12 AM to 12 or 1 PM, all week if there's nothing going on. On Christmas eve I'll probably be gone though.
And I can tell if a thread would turn out shit or not by the first few posts, And I'd lock threads that can't go anywhere productive, like perse a photoshop thread with a terrible ( low quality or nothing interesting could be done to it ) base pic.
Also, your password would be safe with me, since after all I wouldn't get anything from giving a friend your password.
May the best cunt win.
f this is a serious offer, I believe I would be well suited to the job. My posts are always well written and serious, I can enforce authority and I'm very trustworthy as well. Also, I've modded flash websites like Newgrounds before.