I'm a motherfucker.


Operating Engineer

Hard Knocks Univ.


Joined on 4/17/03

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how did you not see that coming?

See what, that your are severely deranged and need help clarifying who you should be voting for?

WHAT! you talk crazy. conor says... this could be your face:

<a href="http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/42/l_950f666745014b29bfd2a00828f97adc.jpg">http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/im ages02/42/l_950f666745014b29bfd2a0082 8f97adc.jpg</a>


How adorable. How old is that pic?

You gotta be fuckin' shitting me. 4 grand? I'd kill a bitch.

I almost did man, lol.

I love you.

That's nice.

drop a train on them!
or some other heavy object.....

Drops a heavy object on some dingbat motherfucker that lives in India and took our jobs.

Scary numbers ;_____;

Yeah man. Luckily I was able to convince them they were wrong.

lol poozy... the saddest thing is that i can imagine you saying that

I'm pretty sure I hurt that dude's feelings.

You're awesome for putting my flash as your no. 1 fave. BAN ON, DUDE!

How could I not man. I still lol pretty hard when I see it.

Besides. It was my voice remixed by Rig and then mixed and animated by you.

Good show, man...



i think it should be clearly obvious who i'm rooting for and why everyone else should root for them after last nights game.

thanks. : ) i took that picture about a week ago for my parents when the world series started. they like him to feel completely involved since he's so far away. haha

That's awesome. I do the same for my parents.

Also, I reject your reality and substitute my own.

fair enough. let's agree to disagree... for now.

yeah, my mom is picture crazy. she gets pissed if i take him to a new restaurant and i don't take any pictures. she just sent conor this cars tent that lights up and it is literally the size of our entire living room and 25 pictures were smiply just not enough.


I gotta get my kid a tent thingamajig like your kid. He loves that stuff.

My parents though are eternally grateful for any little tidbit I give them about my kid. The other week they flew down and were stunned that he knew who they were and was perfectly comfortable around them. Reason for that is that I frequently remind him of them and ask him to identify them in pics.

how old is your son again? if you do happen to get a tent just know that you'll be eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in there. luckily, we have a cars table that also barely fits in the living room but fits inside the tent. the things we do.

how often do your parents see him? i think the longest conor has gone is only 4 months but he's at the point now where he asks me to call them but i used to make him identify them by pictures, too.

He'll be three next month and he isn't happy unless I "hide" with him under a blanket or under the dining room table at least once a day...

They see him about once or twice a year. He likes talking on the phone but loses his train of thought and starts spouting gibberish after a minute or so, lol.

Also, my kid could whip your kid's ass.

does he talk in sentences yet? i have to at least once a day pretend to be a fire truck and ride him around the living room on my back making fire truck noises. it seems you have it easier than me.

yeah, conor talks to my parents everyday. six or seven times if my mom gets her way. i give him the phone and he starts talking but when i go in the room the phone is nowhere to be found and he's actually just talking to himself. my mom is waiting somewhere in a drawer for me to realize he's not talking to her.

haha, for a second i thought you said your kid could whip conor's ass. that's funny. conor would demolish him.

Yes he can speak in sentences. He'll leave out words and stuff like that but he can string together words to get his point across. Of course the longer it takes for me to figure out what he's trying to convey the louder his voice becomes, haha.

That's funny. I sometimes find him talking on the phone with his grandma or grandpa (cause they're on speed dial and he knows what button to press) or even some random stranger, like the operator for instance. He's chatted up the operator many times.

Yes he can whip your sons ass. I've been rough housing with him since he was born. He over powers his grandparents regularly. I also for the past six months or so. Have been making him punch and kick my punching bag with me for five to ten minutes a day. He's also been raised around older kids all the time and he's got those kids well whooped.

Also, ever since he could walk. I bought him a small medicine ball about the size of a very large grapefruit. It weighs about 7-8 pounds. He's been messing with that since he could walk and now picks it up over his head and throws it halfway across a room.

Your kid wouldn't stand a chance I'm afraid...

Nice user image.

lol Thanks man.

Wow you know how many I phone 3G's you could buy me? Or how many special nights you can have with Mimi. I bet she's a festival for the senses.


I sincerely hope your mother develops cancer of the brain.

I sincerely hope that you do not scratch my cock with your horrible english teeth.

I love your avatar. A lot. Like, I want that dick in my ass. That's how intoxicating it is.

Stop being gay man. haha

Not even gonna bother clicking it. I just don't give a fuck man.

It's called soccer... Wanna know why? Because we can kill you and anybody else that insists on calling it football, that's why.


Poozy got screwed, yet again.


What the fuck?

Fuck the what?

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