porpiose hork
I'm a motherfucker.
Operating Engineer
Hard Knocks Univ.
Joined on 4/17/03
porpiose hork
turquoise fork
Whatever man, I'd go gay for you any day. You're fucking Sexy.
That's nice princess.....
*rolls eyes*
[ . Y . ]
square tits?
Spongebob's mom?
I don't think sponge bob has parents
they died in a horrible kitchen scene or sometihng
he only got grandparents
Well I know he has a grandma.
Maybe those were his grannies tits before she rounded out?
lol, Poozy... have you heard cHunters Song? you should... He made it with love
*epic cock joke*
Yeah man. He PM'd me a link to it. It's in my sig.
It fucking sucks but the lyrics are kinda funny.
Did you read Mindchamber's review of it?
Who are you again?
I'm the man that tippity tapped your mom and paid the rent for you guys last month.
Remember her screams and cum stained sheets?
lol, we pmed mindchamber about it. He did it for the lulz
Mindchamber is the man. Anyone that says different will have to deal with me.
geez I wish I would have been around for thisssss.
I could have jumped on the anger bandwagon.
much <3
Grab Zerok's ass for me why dontcha...
Will you marry me?
Sure sweetie.
Do you prefer top or bottom? 'Cause I love me some top.....
Cranes are pretty darn neat.
Are you like my friend, or you gonna ban meh for the lulz?
If you slip, I will grip.
here is an interesting fact
Diahorea is herriditory, it runs through your genes
Good one man, I'll have to remember that one.
Congrats on being a mod ^_^
still not used to seeing the yellow aura on ya
That face would be a sight to see right before you die.
I was wondering when you would show up...
And what exactly do you mean missy?
Sorry, I was dealing with a child who took a nose dive out of his crib. The antics never end.
I was just saying that in the picture you're staring straight down like there could be someone underneath you that you're strangling to death... and that would be a sight if that face you're making was the last thing that person saw.
Like, "I love you and you're making me kill you, YOU'RE MAKING ME DO THIS!!" kinda thing?
That would be funny as hell, lol.
you described exactly what i was thinking. hahaha!
Great minds think alike, no?
well, then i guess it makes sense for me to say i like the way you think.
Yeah you could say it makes sense.
Although agreeing with me would sort of be like having sex with yourself.
Which isn't a bad thing...
hehe, that's so sincere lol ^.^
If by sincere you mean sarcastic, inflammatory and mocking.
Then yeah...
lol maek me a mod srsly
Your poor father....
oh right back to fantasizing about them cocks.
I've seen your recent posts.
For shame.....
I need 1 more post for my 2k, I'm setting up a prank as well ;)
Well make sure it doesn't suck or it will get deleted.